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Migrating from FreeBSD to Arch

You more than likely did not notice that all my sites were down for about 12 hours early in August… This is because i made the decision to move back from FreeBSD to Arch!


My server had been running FreeBSD for a couple months, and overall, I am quite a fan of the FreeBSD experience. This is coming from someone who actually uses Arch as their daily driver on their desktop. But, just a little too often I'd find software incompatibilities. And for the software that did work, sometimes it'd be missing certain features under FreeBSD specifically. This upset me alot, but I decided to stick to it, as FreeBSD overall was a much safer and more stable experience. But, as time went on with using FreeBSD, I began to notice that its limitations, and that it would be better for me to stick to Arch.

Do note that, this is not to blame FreeBSD. It was not made for people like me and thats how it is, I was absolutely a fan of FreeBSD.

What's changed now?

Now that I'm in my comfort zone of Arch again, I've been tinkering with new setups. More specifically, I've been figuring out how to use pm2 with this new setup, as opposed to "hodgepodging" my own program to serve a similar purpose, with a much worse quality & consistency. Now my websites always automatically restart when a new update releases, as well as: restarting if they error, starting on boot, giving easier access to logs, and lots more!

I also hope to set up some of those programs I mentioned that weren't fully compatible with FreeBSD, so expect cool things eventually! :D