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Seekers of the Storm posting

Here is my awesome post about Survivors of the point, each segment being different times in relation to the Seekers of the storm release :)

Somewhere around 30-50 minutes before SCHEDULED release idk

In less than an hour from when im writing this, Seekers of the Storm will have released! I'm really, really hoping it doesn't suck!
But, honestly, if it does, I dont particularly care. I think I already "had my time" with Risk of Rain 2.

Besides, I'm addicted to Deep Rock Galactic at the moment… So I can live without Risk of Rain 2 :)

Anyway thats all, this post literally exists so I can tell people I post on my blog, when I actaully don't :P
Still not really sure why it exists fgkphjdfglphjdfklpghjl;dfg
Happy Teto Tuesday!!

Update (9 minutes after the DLC was supposed to release)

The dlc has still not droped >:(
seriously wtf where's my dlc??

Hour 0-1 after release

I played my first few runs as Seeker, and thought they'd be broken, but they're actually surprisingly bad?? Healing just is NOT that useful in Risk of Rain 2, and being suspended in the air is a nightmare lategame, as well as the need for healing becomes much less important. Their revive is a janky nightmare, since the ragdolls are super unpredictable and unusable. I even got thrown off the map one time, and for some reason wasn't allowed to spectate???

Ignoring how that death was a major skill issue…
Even ignoring the buggy mess that is the ragdolls, even if reviving someone was consistent that… Doesn't really fix anything…
They probably died for a reason. Sure! Maybe it was a minor screw up and its whatever, but alot of the time, it means they got bad RNG and are going to die again anyway??? so like???

This character, overall, isn't that strong. And sure, they do prevail with certain items but thats really an arguement you can make for mostly everything… Even flamethrower Artificer!

2 days later

I refunded it
i'll buy it again later if it goes on sale or if they fix the game but it is an absolute buggy mess :/
content was neat but like. what the hell
I dont actually HATE the dlc or anything, but this gif is pretty funny so i'll put it here to summarize